Medical Uses of Propecia

Propecia is an effective and safe FDA approved medication, which is classified as a 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor. The treatment contains Finasteride as an active component. The ingredient triggers a powerful influence on the organism, preventing testosterone conversion into dihydrotestosterone and reducing the negative impact of the latter. Consequently, the medication is prescribed for patients, who have problems or health abnormalities related to these processes.

According to the medical information, Propecia is a powerful drug which features three main uses, including:

  • Treatment of alopecia (male-pattern hair loss that usually occurs on the anterior mid-scalp area and vertex);
  • Improvement of benign prostatic hyperplasia;
  • Prevention and treatment of prostate cancer.

Additionally, Propecia can be administered in several other instances, though they are not mentioned in the safety guide. Any treatment course, irrespective of the underlying health problem, should be supervised and guided by the doctor, as it is the guarantee of successful and flawless results.

Advantages and Risks of the Drug Intake

Being a prescription and FDA approved medication, Propecia is likely to be safe and trigger only positive and beneficial influences on the treated disorders. However, to achieve the maximal results, a patient needs to use the drug in the recommended dose and following other safety recommendations and instructions. Keep in mind all the contraindications and precautions for Propecia use to avoid complications and potential adverse reactions.

As a treatment which interferes with important body hormones, Propecia course can result in a range of beneficial reactions and dangerous outcomes. Therefore, learn the specifications and possible risks before the use of Finasteride.


  • Despite all the preconceptions, Propecia is an effective drug that eliminates the symptoms of an enlarged prostate. Even a small dose of Finasteride can launch positive changes and considerably improve the disorder;
  • According to the results of various medical researches and studies, Propecia works preventing further hair loss and triggering rapid and quality hair regrowth;
  • Negative side effects appear ultimately rarely and bother a small percentage of patients.


  • The treatment should be administered for a long term, and the condition will reappear the moment you discontinue the drug use;
  • High Finasteride doses can have a negative influence on the male health, enhancing the risk of cancer development;
  • There is a risk of sex-related disorders occurrence, especially erectile dysfunction, decreased libido and weaker sex drive.

While Propecia benefits are constant, its drawbacks are easily avoidable. Keep in mind that Finasteride is a male drug that can never be administered by children or women. An individually adjusted dose that suits all the individual health peculiarities and specifications of a patient is the key to successful medication use.

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